What has WWII got to tell us about globalisation? The answer, a lot.

It took international co-operation, co-ordination and a subsuming of national sovereignty (British troops, for example, were under US control in some theatres) as well as a deepening of economic, political and social ties, to bring the Second World War to a close. As we commemorate the 75th anniversary of the D-Day Landings and the Battle …

UK 2019 economy to be dominated by Brexit?

Chart 2: Employment growth in the UK has slowed sharply

Well, that was an exciting year. With article 50 triggered, negotiations on the UK’s withdrawal from the EU dominated politics and consumed government energy.  Negotiations were fraught, with frantic toing and froing between the UK and Europe as the deal evolved to its conclusion through 2018. But it also impacted the economy. In particular, uncertainty …