This Budget was presented by a government that seemed to be preparing for an imminent general election. It promised tax cuts, continued growth, lower fiscal deficits and more spending on the NHS and the welfare state. Of course, a lot of this may not come to pass. Given the significant turbulence of the last …
Budget 2021: heavy on detail, light on strategy?
It seems churlish to say that this was a Budget packed with detail but no overarching strategic vision or plan. It was, after all, billed as a Budget for a seminal moment in the UK. It was coming at the end of the first global pandemic since 1918, and it was the first one in …
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The economy after the pandemic – what are the lasting effects?
One in 100-year events are supposed to be rare, but we have had two within the last ten years. The first was the global financial crisis in 2008 / 2009. The second is now the global pandemic. It means they are happening with more frequency, and as a result, we should be expecting another one …
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