We need to talk about Brexit. July should have seen a Brexit deal ratified at the European Meeting of ministers. That did not happen. And, to state the obvious, at the time of writing, an agreement has not been made. And, with PM Johnson publicly saying that no deal would be a ‘good outcome’, the …
The economy after the pandemic – what are the lasting effects?
One in 100-year events are supposed to be rare, but we have had two within the last ten years. The first was the global financial crisis in 2008 / 2009. The second is now the global pandemic. It means they are happening with more frequency, and as a result, we should be expecting another one …
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Budgeting an end to austerity
This year’s Budget will go down as the one that brought an official end to austerity. Although some tax increases from earlier periods have still to work their way through the system, spending increases will mean a return to pre-austerity levels in the next couple of years. Indeed, Robert Chote, the outgoing head of the …