As Mark Carney prepares to make way for new governor Andrew Bailey, he’s voiced the suggestion that UK interest rates could be cut if the economy wobbles in early 2020. His view may be in anticipation, as some have concluded, of an economic shock resulting from the UK’s exit from the UK on 31st January. …
UK 2019 economy to be dominated by Brexit?
Well, that was an exciting year. With article 50 triggered, negotiations on the UK’s withdrawal from the EU dominated politics and consumed government energy. Negotiations were fraught, with frantic toing and froing between the UK and Europe as the deal evolved to its conclusion through 2018. But it also impacted the economy. In particular, uncertainty …
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Are we still paying the price for the financial crisis?
As 2018 draws to a close, we reflect on a year that’s marked 10 years since the financial crisis and consider the impact of the policies taken to deal with the crisis on the UK’s economic position a decade later. More than 10 years on from the collapse of Lehman Brothers, the success of the …
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