Q2 Henley Global Citizens Report – more top tier media coverage secured

Summary of Coverage


There is plenty of good coverage in all the different language media around the world as well. The release was distributed in 12 different languages and colleagues in Europe have been sharing articles they have seen in their media such as these pieces in one of Italy’s leading papers: https://www.corriere.it/esteri/diretta-live/22_giugno_14/ucraina-russia-news-guerra-3815ba02-eb67-11ec-b89b-6b199698064a.shtml and https://www.repubblica.it/esteri/2022/06/14/news/russia_fuga_milionari_15mila_via_entro_fine_anno-353844587/?ref=RHTP-BH-I347279517-P6-S3-T1


Excellent coverage also secured by our Russian marketing team in both Russia and Ukraine:



International Business:


UK / Europe:




South Africa:


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